Veneers of composite materials or bonding or smile-lifting is a method with which it has had a smile, with the 'adjustment of the shape of the teeth of the upper or lower jaw. It is a procedure that is usually implemented in a single appointment, without anesthesia. It is done with the machining of the tooth surface and the 'application of composite materials to color right. So it is repaired and reformed the shape of the tooth. Usually, there is no need to use the drill to the teeth, except in cases of crooked teeth too.
Modern materials allow us to achieve the lifting of the smile with composites quickly, indolent, with excellent results. The bonding is appropriate when c 'is a diastema, that a space between adjacent teeth, when there is a congenital absence of the upper lateral incisors, when there are crowded and crooked teeth, in cases of dental fractures, in cases of old fillings Impaired the front teeth, in short, in all cases where there is the need to reform the teeth.
The dental veneers are recommended for aesthetic problems of the teeth:
Front tooth decay.
Dental fractures.
Tooth discoloration.
Spaces between adjacent teeth.
Crooked teeth.
Reformation of teeth very large or very small.
Tooth root discovery.
Therapy of erosions due to bad eating habits or age and bruxism.
Tooth whitening
Before - After
The natural color of the teeth differs from person to person. The reasons vary:
Genetic factors.
Diet (coffee, tea, high-color foods).
Taking medicines (tetracyclines during fetal or childhood, taking large amounts of fluoride)
Old fillings.
Root canal treatment.
In the above cases, whitening can improve the appearance of the teeth. Tooth discolorations (yellow, brown spots) are classified into two categories: external and internal.
External discolorations are due to diet or smoking. They are easily handled and removed by cleaning and polishing. If these pigments remain for a long time they penetrate deeper into the tooth, making it difficult to remove them by simple cleaning. Internal dyschromias are removed by professional dental whitening techniques.
Tooth whitening can also be performed in teeth that have been discolored after root canal treatment.
Teeth whitening is done either in the dental clinic, at home with personalized splints or by combination of the two methods.
Between the two methods of whitening, the whitening in the doctor's office and the whitening at home, we choose the one that meets the needs and desires of each patient. Bleaching in the doctor's office is more effective and more immediate. In this case, the bleaching agent is applied for 3 times and with the use of a special lamp, the bleaching effect is accelerated and enhanced. Whitening at home is done with splints personalized for each patient. The patient wears the splints for 30'-60' per day or overnight until the desired result is achieved. It is suitable in case of previous bleaching in the doctor's office when, later, maintenance of the result is required.
Ceramic veneers
Before - After
Before - After
Before - After
Today, patients want, apart from the restoration of the proper function of the teeth, the aesthetic improvement of their smile, as well. The porcelain veneers are thin layers of ceramic that are used to create a natural appearance of the teeth, along with durability and elasticity similar to natural teeth. They are our first choice for correcting small imperfections related of the shape, size and color of the tooth.
Porcelain veneers consist of thin ceramic layers that replace the original tooth enamel over a bonding layer. To place a porcelain veneer, it is necessary to remove a thin layer of enamel, usually less than one millimeter. This is necessary in order to create sufficient space for the ceramic veneer. The bond between the tooth and the ceramic veneer is of major importance because it provides the aesthetic finishing required but also a strong bond for the proper functioning of the ceramic veneer. This bond is achieved by the use of a photopolymerized resin, placed between the tooth and the ceramic veneer and polymerized with the light of a special lamp.
Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for the following situations:
• to correct the color of the teeth. In some people, tooth coloring is persistent remain and does not respond well to whitening- the ceramic veneers offer permanently white teeth.
• to improve the appearance of teeth with a disadvantageous shape or position.
• to replace the broken part of a tooth.
• to close the gaps between the teeth.
Porcelain veneers can not be used in the following situations:
• on teeth with crowns.
• teeth with a large dental defect.
• when the change in the position or the inclination of the tooth requires a substantial removal of its dental substance.
Advantages of porcelain veneers:
• The porcelain veneers are personalized for each tooth and for each patient. So, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural teeth.
• Their color is not affected by smoking, food and coffee.
• In contrast to full coverage crowns, less dental removal is required.
• When the teeth resist whitening techniques, they are an excellent choice for permanently white teeth.
• Closure of small interdental gaps and correction of crooked teeth.
The porcelain veneers are made in the dental laboratory: it takes about a week. After the bonding of the porcelain veneers, the teeth may show little sensitivity to cold and hot beverages, which subsides after a few days. In a healthy mouth the porcelain veneers can be used as our natural teeth. Although they are made of a very strong material, they are fragile as well as our natural teeth. For this, you must avoid biting your fingernails, pencils, chewing ice or opening beer bottles with your teeth!
Maintenance of porcelain veneers
The maintenance of porcelain veneers is simple: Treat them like your natural teeth, brush them in the usual way and using dental floss. Avoid the use of abrasive dentifrice. One week after their placement, it is necessary to visit us for reviewing and evaluating the functionality of the porcelain veneers in your mouth.
All-ceramic crowns and bridges
All-ceramic bridge
All-ceramic crowns are an alternative choice for porcelain crowns fused on a metallic base.
Evolution in dental materials has enabled us to use ceramic without metal, which can withstand the strong chewing forces and at the same time provide great aesthetic.
1) Highly strong.
2) High aesthetics: they have similar appearance as our natural teeth.
3) We avoid the grey line at the gum margin, which is due to the metallic base of the bridge.
4) The crown is not placed below the gum line, which ensures the health of the gum tissues.
5) They are suitable for people with allergies to metals.
Inlays - Onlays
When there is extensive loss of the tooth substance, which makes the restoration of the tooth with a simple filling impossible, then an inlay is preferred. It is a restoration made of ceramic or composite material (manufactured by the dental technician in his laboratory) glued into the tooth. With this method we can maintain the remaining tooth without sacrificing the healthy hard tissue.
Mobile teeth, in children, appear when milk teeth are about to fall out and be replaced by permanent ones.
In adults, mobility is due to:
Periodontal disease is a progression of gingivitis, the condition that makes our gums bleed when not treated in time. In this case, the inflammation progresses from the gums into the bone and begins to destroy it. Bone loss is the cause of tooth mobility. Of course, the best treatment for periodontitis is prevention. However, when periodontal disease has already developed, the treatment consists of deep cleaning of the teeth and gums. Later, you may need to have your teeth splinted. In some cases, tooth splinting helps to immobilize and reattach the teeth into the gums and bone as much as possible.
Tooth grinding at night (bruxism).
Grinding your teeth overnight is treated with mouth guards. Mouth guards protect teeth from the harmful habit of bruxism and help relax the jaw muscles.
Intraoral x-ray is safe. The radiation we receive from an intraoral radiograph corresponds to an air flight from Athens to Alexandroupolis.
There are two methods of whitening, the whitening in the doctor's office and the whitening at home. Between them, we choose the one that meets the needs and desires of each patient. Bleaching in the doctor's office is more effective and more immediate. In it, the bleaching agent is applied 3 times and with the use of a special lamp, the bleaching effect is accelerated and enhanced.
Whitening at home is done with personalized mouth guards. The patient wears the guards for 30'-60' daily or overnight until the desired result is achieved. It is suitable in case of previous whitening in the doctor's office and later maintenance of the result is required. Read more
Dental pain or toothache is the pain located around the teeth and jaw and is usually due to caries or periodontal disease.
Toothache occurs with various symptoms. It can be transient or continuous. It is often aggravated by eating or drinking, especially if the food or drink is hot or cold. It can be mild or severe. It can also be acute and start suddenly. May increase during the night, especially when lying down.
Sometimes it is difficult to tell if the pain is coming from the upper or lower jaw. When it is due to a mandibular molar, the pain gives the impression that it comes from the ear. The toothache on the upper teeth can give the impression that it comes from the sinuses, ie the small cavities in the upper jaw and the forehead.
The area around the decayed tooth is usually sensitive to touch. Periodontal disease often causes a dull ache. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that affects the soft and hard tissues that surround the teeth.
If the toothache persists for more than a day or two, a visit to the dentist is necessary. If the cause of toothache is not treated in time, the infection of the pulp will spread, resulting in the formation of an abscess, with strong and continuous pulsating pain.
1) Causes of toothache due to infection of the dental nerve:
Caries, which creates holes (cavities) in the hard surface of the tooth.
- Tooth fracture - the fracture or crack may be very small and not visible to the naked eye.
- Detachment or fracture of the seal.
-Gums that recede and reveal the root of the tooth, which is more sensitive to pain caused by chemical, mechanical, thermal or microbial stimuli.
Periarthritic abscess: pus at the tip of the tooth root due to a bacterial infection (caries).
2) Causes located in the gums (periodontium):
Periodontal abscess: a collection of pus in the gums due to bacterial inflammation.
Gum ulcers.
Irritation of the gums when teeth rise, for example in penitentiaries.
3) Sinusitis.
4) Diseases of the temporomandibular joint.
The type of treatment depends on the cause of the pain. Clinical examination and intraoral radiography are necessary to complete the diagnosis.
If the pain is due to an injury to the dental nerve, a filling or a denervation will solve the problem.
If it is due to gingivitis or periodontitis, the treatment is done with the cleansing and treatment of gingivitis or periodontitis.
In advanced caries lesions, deep fractures or enclosed teeth, extraction of the tooth may be necessary.
How to prevent toothache:
The best way to avoid toothache is to keep our teeth and gums as healthy as possible. Details:
Limit consumption of sugary foods and beverages.
Brushing your teeth twice a day.
Avoid smoking, as it aggravates some dental problems.
Your dentist will advise you on how often you need to check your oral and dental condition. Re-examination every six months is the ideal time to prevent damage that can develop into caries or periodontitis.
Over the years the tooth enamel is discarded and the gums shrink. The result is the revelation of the root of the teeth and the dental canals. Enamel and root abrasion is aggravated by the use of toothpaste with abrasive agents or a hard toothbrush. Exposed dental tubes are particularly sensitive to hot and cold foods, cold air and mechanical stimuli. Some toothpastes contain desensitizing agents that reduce tooth sensitivity. In the dental clinic, suitable preparations are applied that overlap and protect the exposed roots of the teeth. When abrasions are extensive, sealing is the indicated treatment. When the toothache lasts and does not subside it is wise to visit the dental clinic for a thorough diagnosis to prevent damage to the tooth nerve.
If the manual toothbrush is used for as long as needed and in the right way it is just as satisfactory as the electric one. Most people do not brush their teeth for the necessary 2 to 3 minutes. We can not claim that the electric toothbrush is absolutely superior to the manual one. It can make it much easier for us because it performs by itself the necessary brushing movements. It should, of course, be used carefully so as not to damage the gums and teeth. Each patient should choose his toothbrush according to his preference and ability.
There are 3 types of dental abscesses based on the etiology and the area of the mouth where they occur:
Periapical tooth abscess. The abscess (that is, the one that forms around the tip of a tooth root) is the most typical form of dental abscess. It occurs when the tooth pulp is infected due to caries. (read more ...)
Periodontal abscess. In the case of periodontal abscess, the cause is usually severe periodontal disease (periodontitis) or gum injury. Periodontal abscess develops in the gums (gum abscess) or in the alveolar bone that surrounds the tooth. (read more ...)
Peripheral tooth abscess. It is a special form of periodontal abscess that is formed due to inflammation and infection of the gums around the mill of a semi-enclosed tooth (peristephanitis).(Read more...)
Bad breath (halitosis) can be attributed to various systemic diseases. The root cause, however, is found in the mouth. As a rule, halitosis is due to inflammation of the gums (gingivitis). A second cause may be tooth decay or dental caries. The treatment consists in the treatment of the damaged tooth and in the treatment of gingivitis with the dental cleaning.
Dental fissure sealants are a quick and economical way to prevent tooth decay. It is a thin layer of fluid dental resin that is placed on the upper surfaces of the back teeth and polymerized with a special lamp to make it hard. In this way, the chewing surface of the tooth becomes flat and thus prevents the accumulation of food and bacteria in the dental grooves. Children, who have just put the first permanent molars in their mouths, are the ideal candidates for the application of this method. This is because the grooves of children's teeth are deeper and less calcified compared to those of adults. Also, children are less willing to brush their teeth as needed.
Coatings can also be done on adults, on strong teeth, as a preventive measure to prevent caries. (read more ...)
Most dental problems only cause symptoms when they reach an advanced stage. Toothache often indicates a more serious injury that will require more than just a filling. Early diagnosis, with screening, is necessary to diagnose and predict dental and periodontal problems and leads to a more satisfactory and cost-effective treatment.
Whitening toothpastes on the market differ in the ability to whiten. They contain detergents and remove, to some extent, the surface pigments that are deposited on the teeth from food, coffee, smoking. But they can not change the natural color of the teeth - something that is achieved with the whitening that is done in the dental office. Great care is needed when using them because the strong detergents they contain can cause damage to tooth enamel.
The causes of mouth ulcers are, basically, unknown. Genetic and microbial factors, allergies, stress and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals are to blame. Trauma to the inside of the oral cavity can also lead to the appearance of an ulcer in the mouth. Dentures with poor fit, misuse of the toothbrush, biting of the cheek, eating certain foods can cause ulcers. For the treatment of mouth ulcers, rinsing with antimicrobial mouthwash or lukewarm saline is recommended. Particularly useful are the preparations with healing action that are applied topically on ulcers.
The wisdom teeth - the last molars at the back of the mouth - do not need to be removed when:
They are healthy, have no caries, and show no symptoms of pain, swelling, or redness.
They have normally erupted in the mouth.
They are enclosed in the jaw without clinical and radiographic findings.
They are in the correct position in the jaw and are normally used in chewing.
It is possible to clean them adequately with the toothbrush.
Their extraction is considered necessary when they rise either in a normal position or with a slope and at the same time:
There is pain in the surrounding area.
Recurrent inflammation with redness and swelling occurs.
A cyst has formed in the jaw bone.
They cause the adjacent tooth to decay or to develop periodontal disease.
Composite veneers or bonding or dental lifting is a method by which the smile is reconstructed, by correcting the shape of the teeth of the upper or lower jaw. This is a procedure that is usually completed in an appointment, without anesthesia. It is done by roughing the surface of the teeth and placing the appropriate amount of composite resin, in the carefully selected color, in order to properly recreate the dental contour and shape. As a rule, the teeth are not grinded except in cases of severe distortion, so they are grinded a little, following the philosophy of minor intervention.
(Read more...)
Our smile is made to last a lifetime. In fact, tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, harder than bones. Enamel or enamel has high resistance to abrasion and corrosion. Due to the increase in life expectancy and, in addition, the exposure of the teeth to stresses such as clenching, grinding, and chewing hard objects, the integrity of the teeth can be compromised. If you suspect a fracture in your tooth, it is important to seek treatment quickly before the problem gets worse.
-How is a dental fracture diagnosed?
-Why does a dental fracture cause pain?
-How is a dental fracture treated?
-After treatment, will the tooth heal completely?
-How are dental fractures prevented?
(Read more...)
Bruxism refers to the clenching or grinding of teeth either during sleep or, unconsciously, when we are awake.
People who grit their teeth during sleep are more likely to have other sleep disorders, such as snoring and cessation of breathing (sleep apnea).
Mild bruxism may not require treatment. However, in some people, bruxism can be common and quite severe and lead to jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth.
Teeth clenching enough to wake you up.
Teeth that are flattened or broken.
Worn tooth enamel - exposed deeper layers of your tooth.
Pain or tenderness of the teeth during closure (when we touch the teeth together).
Tired or tight jaw muscles or 'locked' jaw that does not open or close completely or when a 'click' when you open and close your mouth.
Pain in the jaw, neck, ear or face.
Headache starting from the temples.
Bite the inside of the cheek.
Stress. Bruxism may also be one of us when we concentrate deeply.
Personality type.
Drugs and other substances.
Bruxists within the family.
Parkinson's disease, dementia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnea.
Night splints.
In severe cases, when the abrasion of the teeth has caused dental sensitivity or when the possibility of proper chewing has been lost, the dentist may reshape the chewing surfaces of the teeth or make reconstructions on the worn teeth.
Stress management.
Change the closing position. The dentist will show you the correct position in which the mouth should close and the teeth should close.